The Why of Diamonds

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This contribution by Irma Foldenyi and Liesbet Bussche focuses on the friction between naturally sourced materials and artificially manufactured ones to research the current state of matter, time and meaning in relation to jewellery. The rise of the synthetic diamond (as representative material), its rivalry with natural diamond and 40 questions on scale, production, trade, emotion and truth lead to a textual and data-visual reflection that questions material culture among jewellery designers.


‘Jewellery, Matter, Time: Materials in the Anthropocene’ was a one-year research project embedded in the research platform Precious Dialogue of Sint Lucas Antwerpen. A succeeding chapter, titled ‘Jewellery, Matter, Time: True Costs of a Jewel’ is being conducted by Irma Foldenyi and Saskia van Der Gucht.

Essay by Liesbet Bussche Data maps by Irma Foldenyi Book design by Ward Heirwegh Made possible by Sint Lucas Antwerpen, Precious Dialogue Platform.