An intensive one week course for Design Academy Eindhoven, MA departments of Social Design, Contextual and Information Design.


The Design Academy Eindhoven draws master students from all over the world every year. During the one week program, an open source production line was created; student were welcome to work each day in new interdisciplinary teams, responding on a different assignment using combinations of personal backgrounds (such as local food ingredients, national news items, ancestors), a type of material and a technique. The personal and cultural backgrounds were transformed into quick and dirty prototypes - such as new textures, belongings, services, subcultures, tools and recipes. The aim of the workshop was to practice 'learning by making': to work and prototype collaboratively from conceptualisation to hands-on production in an experimental and light-hearted way.


commissioned by Design Academy Eindhoven - concept and design by Irma Foldenyi in collaboration with Daniela Dossi - graphic design & photography by Kim Constatino - 2013